Recent content by American Exteriors

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    Roof Hooks - Any good??

    Glad to hear that you were not hurt Don! I also have a few gray hairs from some close calls slipping. Thanks again for the info. Tim ------------------
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    Roof Hooks - Any good??

    Don, Thanks for your reply. I take it that the hooks work well for you? Have you ever had one slip? Thanks, Tim ------------------
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    Roof Hooks - Any good??

    Has anyone used roof hooks to attach ladders to the roof? If so, how well do they work? As I shop around, I find them sold as singles and as sets. Which is better? Can they damage the shingles? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Tim ------------------
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    Is This Spamming?

    Well, I for one hope that what you did was not considered spamming cuz I just did the same thing - and not done yet! I downloaded about 400 real estate agents e-mail addresses from various local offices. So far, since Monday 2/26, I have gotten 5 replies out of about 100 "e-mailings"! I...
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    OK, How about: "We'll get it wet while we sweat" or " Clean it like you mean it" ------------------
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    QUICK! How to remove algae from boat underbody

    The boat I currently own was once used full time at a lake here in Michigan - meaning it sat in the water all season then stored in the winters. It was completely covered with thick "algae" on the bottom of the fiberglass hull. It also turned very hard - more like barnacles than algae and I...
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    Pricing - ashpalt shingle roofs

    OK, I know of a few members here that do roof cleaning and I realize there are many who stay away from this kind of work, but in my area, I think there is a good potential market for this. My question is what is the best way to price roof cleaning jobs? I have done some research and see that...
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    House Washing - All Brick

    Tom posted a message the other day about pricing house washing. Does the .90 - 1.10 apply to all types of exterior surfaces? The reason I ask is that I am bidding onmy first housewashing job for a home that is completely bricked. It is an older home but the brick work is in good shape -...
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    Tax write offs

    Thanks for the input! I do fully intend to have an accountant handle my taxes at year end, but I am just trying to get an idea ahead of time as to how much I can expect to write off my gross profit. I am not looking for anyone's specific business details in terms of what you make or what your...
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    Tax write offs

    My wife runs a state licensed daycare and just about everything from electricity to home improvements to toilet papar can be deducted to some degree. My question is, what are all of the deductions I can be looking forward to in this business? To clarify, what percentage of new equipment...
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    Dang Bugs!

    Thanks to everyone who replied to this post. I appreciate the ideas and I will be trying them out this summer. Good thing I love garlic! One thing that is nice is that my question was replied to respectfully and in a sincere manner to help. I am sure I will have more borderline stupid...
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    Dang Bugs!

    First off, I would like to thank everyone on this board for sharing their ideas with us new folks to the biz. Further, I have been in contact with some of you since I joined this board and am grateful for your willingness to help out. I haven't posted much as I am on a sharp learning curve...
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    Sales goals

    Newby needs some advice here, hoping that someone will be willing to give me some insight on this. Starting out, what would be a good figure for a sales goal for a first year pressure washer? I realize that this business is really only limited to our enrergy, drive, creativity, salesmanship...
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    Tim, I may be new to this industry, but not to the water purification industry. I used to work for a water softening company and later for a precision plastics extrusion company that HAD to have clean water. What I can tell you is the following: 1) The filter you choose will have a great...
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    Chlorine -vs- Sodium Hydrox

    Cody, Please help out some of the new guys and tell us what technique the EPA outlawed for roof cleaning - just to make sure we newbees don't make any fatal mistakes. Your experience and help is appreciated. That brings up another question - maybe best for a new topic all together: On a...