Search results

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    Roof Hooks - Any good??

    Has anyone used roof hooks to attach ladders to the roof? If so, how well do they work? As I shop around, I find them sold as singles and as sets. Which is better? Can they damage the shingles? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Tim ------------------
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    Pricing - ashpalt shingle roofs

    OK, I know of a few members here that do roof cleaning and I realize there are many who stay away from this kind of work, but in my area, I think there is a good potential market for this. My question is what is the best way to price roof cleaning jobs? I have done some research and see that...
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    House Washing - All Brick

    Tom posted a message the other day about pricing house washing. Does the .90 - 1.10 apply to all types of exterior surfaces? The reason I ask is that I am bidding onmy first housewashing job for a home that is completely bricked. It is an older home but the brick work is in good shape -...
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    Tax write offs

    My wife runs a state licensed daycare and just about everything from electricity to home improvements to toilet papar can be deducted to some degree. My question is, what are all of the deductions I can be looking forward to in this business? To clarify, what percentage of new equipment...
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    Dang Bugs!

    First off, I would like to thank everyone on this board for sharing their ideas with us new folks to the biz. Further, I have been in contact with some of you since I joined this board and am grateful for your willingness to help out. I haven't posted much as I am on a sharp learning curve...
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    Sales goals

    Newby needs some advice here, hoping that someone will be willing to give me some insight on this. Starting out, what would be a good figure for a sales goal for a first year pressure washer? I realize that this business is really only limited to our enrergy, drive, creativity, salesmanship...
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    Chlorine -vs- Sodium Hydrox

    Wondering if some of the pros could answer this one for me - I have used sodium hydroxide on four roofs this last fall with excellent results, but had to get up on the roof to clean it all off. I have not yet tried the chlorine but can it be applied and rinsed without having to get up on the...