Solid Stain Question


New Member
O.K., I'm back to asking the experts again...

We just did a deck, the main reason she had it done was because her dogs (3 little Beagles) were chipping the finish with their claws as they walked from the back door out to the yard.
The deck had house paint on it and it was chipping everywhere anyway.

So, after a bit of work we were finished. She loved it looks great.
The floor is "California Rustic" Kind of a reddish-brown.
Now when the dogs go across they leave little marks.
Not chips or anything, but the same as if you took your finger nail and scratched on a non-glossy wall in your house. It makes a shiny spot.

Is there anything we can put over the few boards they travel on that will not scratch, and also will not be slippery of course. (Thought about urethane, but would be slick when wet...thought about urethane with sand, but would not want to walk on it with barefeet.)

The stain is Olympic Deck Stain.


Mike Hughes

New Member
I'm not a dog lover, so your customer will not like my solution to the problem.........

Seriously though, I dont really have an answer for you. I bid on a deck once that had a handicap ramp........and on the ramp, for traction, they had sprayed some sort of solution containing sand or grit of some sort. Of course, its color will not match the deck.

I bet if you put something down, the dogs would walk around it on purpose and scratch the rest of the deck......

Offhand, this doesn't seem like your problem. Give her one or two suggestions, but I'm not sure I would be too eager to get involved in this.........stick to what you know. Could turn into a liability.


New Member
Explain to her that there is nothing you can do about the dogs scratching it up. It is a cost of having dogs. If she wants the deck to look good all the time, she will have to have the deck maintained annually.

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