Busted Hose

Mirage Cleaners

New Member
A few days ago I asked about my loss of pressure. I had water and black oily stuff squirting out. We found a pinhole in a hose connection and replaced it. Everything was fine.

Tonight the trigger on the gun got stuck and all of a sudden full force steam and black smoke blew out of the machine. The end of a hose just ripped apart.

Thank goodness nobody was standing nearby, it could have been very serious.

What could be the problem?


I don't have enough information to make a diagnosis give me more info.
Where did the smoke come out of? The hose or the burner? Was there good water flow when this occured? does the burner go on and off when you let off of the trigger? Does the burner smoke all of the time? Does your tip plug up alot? How old is the machine? Have you ever had the coils Descaled? Do you run soap thru the pump and or coils? Does the hose vibrate alot? Are there any other small details you can tell me about? Even if you don't think they matter they might be a clue for a problem.

Hotwaterwizard@aol.com John DeRosa

Mirage Cleaners

New Member
Well, after so many problems with this machine lately, our mechanic suggested we buy a new one. So that's what we did!

He highly recommended an Alkota 5305A with a Kohler engine . . . cost $5,800.

We did this spur of the moment and I was wondering what your thoughts are on this machine? It's on order and I can always back out of it.



Great choice. I think that is one of the best machines you could of bought. The frame design is the best I have seen in the industry. Nice and sturdy, especially the way they mount the engine and pump on that 1/4 inch solid steel base.

Hotwaterwizard@aol.com John DeRosa

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