2 step process in detail


New Member
I have a potential contract with averitt and before I give a price i want to know the exact process to be used in 2 stepping. I have a 3700psi 4.0gpm 20h honda portable cold water. I am completely ignorant when it comes to fleet washing. from what i can understand from past post is that it involves an acid like aluma brite and then a degreeser for rinse. also as long as diluted right it can not hurt anything or material that is on a truck. I would like it if i could have the complete process that you would do with a set up like mine. I repeat I know I am charting unknown territory but i got to start somewhere. I also understand that 30 to 35 would be a good price for cleaning exterior, vaccuuming, and wiping dash and side panels plus windows. thank you for your experienced input

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
30,35 is a fair price for exterior only,it'll take you longer to do the inside then it will the outside.So your looking at 15 for exterior and 15 for interior,not enough for a one or two man crew...depends.


New Member
Larry L would you mind emailing me some detailed info about your process in cleaning trucks like averitt or give me a number to reach you at so I could get a better understanding of things. I am very interested in the fleet accounts because of the steady income and desire to know all I can about cleaning them.

Scott Stone

New Member
You might want to think again about posting a potential custoemrs name, or a customers name. There are a lot of companies that troll the boards looking for this type of information.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
No plum inten but had rather discuss though the board,I'm not a email fan.

Really isn't nothing to it,apply acid and apply soap.


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Call me I will give you Larry's home number!

:rolleyes: ROTFL!

Just kidding. [whatup] [hello]

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
They say that they have a cure how for arkansas redreck but most of us refuse to take califarizon pills around here.They said it would take the ping out of the ting in redreck but we know they are lying b/c they said when they gave us the free phones the lines would be laid in a month or so and dat was three years ago besides we heard califarizon pills make you bugeyed with big ears after taking them for a day or so, we nicknamed them jackass pills so be careful when going though arkansas and see signs that read califarizon pills is the cure for arkansas redneck b/c those are the jackass pills I was talking bout.

Did you know I now have enough hair on my head in the back to make a ponytail,when I get the vett restored I'm going to buy me a pair of black label levis and tie my ponytail up and take me a drive.


New Member
I was wondering if I used aluma brite at around 50:1 w/ a caustic rinse could and would it be a safe solution for aluminum, polished aluminum, painted aluminum, stainless steel or any other metal that potientally could be on the truck. Also how do I protect the windows from eching and if soap is the answere how do you keep the acid from washing it off when cleaning the top of the truck w/the acid. You may not even be able to use two chemicals for all trucks, I was just looking for something effective until more experienced.Any methods, chemicals, and warnings will help. Also what metals are most tanks and stakes made of.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
It would be safe on all you list expect polished,do not use a HF acid on polished unless you know what your doing.Just a small amount will damage it if left on,it can be flashed with HF which it too will remove some polish if not gotten off fast.They made another acid for polished,PH acid.

We do not apply acid to the top of trucks for it to run down on the windsheild,side glass and mirrows its ok to apply to.Some of us prespray soap on bugs before we start our wash,stacks,top of truck,mirrows,bumper,grill and windsheild which helps protect it if any acid splashes on it.

Caustic soap is ok and a good cleaner,however it will damage(streak)paint and burn aluminum if the mix is to strong.

Most of them are made out of aluminum.

After you have your trust in useing the HF acid you can make your mix a little stronger than what you stated.


New Member
when using HF do, if you have to, and what do you have to protect your skin.Should there be any dwell time between acid and soap rinse and how many trucks should I be able to wash in an hr? also do you wet shin the tires when you are done.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Thats one of the dangers in useing HF acid,Its to hot washing outside to suit up or atleast it is for me,in the winter time I suit up.I take my changes and try to stay out of the mist of it.

Its a contact cleaner,get it on get it off depending on the mixture,if the mixture is right there will be no need for dwell time between applying it and returning to apply soap.It will dry and not work so be your own judge as to how much to apply before you return with soap.

I'd have no ideal how many you can do in a hour,you may be a sawed off rut and do more than popeye the sailorman or any of us.All I know is when I get done with one I just start washing another one without noticing how many I have done in a hour.The end of the day whatcounts,some of us start at daylight and work straight though to dark,some start at 8 and stop at 5.

No atleast I do not wet shine the tires,the two step cleans them up pretty good.You can prespray them with soap before you start your wash for a black darker look.I rinse with a wax mixture b/c it speeds the rinsing part.It takes about as long to rinse one as it does to wash it,the wax sticks to the surfaces lifting the soap up and away which helps shorten the rinse time.

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