Bidding (5) Ribbed concrete cmu buildings


I need help on bidding on (5) ribbed concrete CMU buildings. I got sub-contracted to do this job by another company that does all low pessure washing and knows that I have a high pressure hot water machine. He told me that the job should run anywhere between $1500-$1800 and I was wondering if this sounded right to you guys out there. It seems like its alittle low to me. It is 876 l.f of wall area and its a 18'-0" high wall. The s.f. of the wall area is 14,040 s.f. of wall area. Like i said its 5 buildings in a row and the owner just wants the front of the buildings (facing the road) done. If you guys could give me any information on if this sounds about right, and if you could give me any infomation on a good chemical to use. its got the algae, and black streaks. It seems to me that it should be around $3,000+/- for the total job. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me. I need to get the owner a proposal A.S.A.P so I don't lose the job.

Doug T

New Member
I'd do it for that price. Should be about day and half job tops (one person). Your talking 14k at .11 is $1540, at.12 its $1680.

Do a test spot with a butyl based cleaner and some 12.5% to get the right strenghts.


New Member
I believe he meant Sodium Hypochlorite at 12.5% which is a common way of buying it from a chemical supply house. My guy here charges $116 for 55 gallon drum.


Thanks again

Thanks again guys for the much useful information. By the way I talked the owner into doin the side of the building that faces the parking lot also.. More $$$. :)

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