Big Pete


New Member
Is it a restriping job or will you be doing a new layout?

Will be possibly blacking out the old faded white lines, then repainting in either white or probably highway yellow. However, may just paindt directly over the faded white.

What type of paint will you be using? Not sure yet, whatever the standard that is used for parking lots.

What surface will you be striping(asphalt, sealcoating, concrete, etc.) ? Asphalt

What application equipment will you use? Probably the small push type cart one can buy at a paint store. It uses a spray can that is inverted.

Will you be painting curbs, car stops, ramps, - if so, how many?
No curbs or car stops. Don't remember if there any ramps. Not sure how many handicapps.

Any help in pricing would be appreciated. Is it per foot? How much extra for handicapp spots, car stops (if there are any) ? What state are you in?


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