Blasting off blown Insulation.

Richard R.

New Member
To All,

Has anyone ever washed insulation off of steel beams?

As part of a reinavation project, a construction company was asked to power wash the insulation off of the steel beams.

Besides just using a rotomax with 3000psi and 5.5 gpm, does anyone have any tips or tricks that makes the job easier and faster. Also, are there any health hazards?

Richard R.


New Member
Sure 20 or 30 years ago most insulation was asbestos. You need to find out what this stiff is, some one should know. If they are renovating this place and don't know if they have an asbestos problem I don't think I would want to do work for them. Do some research on the net about it, then go talk to them, if they can't tell you what it is then walk away. my 2 cents

Flue Steam

New Member
The coating over the steel beams is fire proofing that is to insulate the structural steel from heat in the event of a fire. Removing that protection from a building is not recommended. Does the construction company plan to replace the fire proofing?
Future liability problems could arise, I would be careful with this and would consider what the AHJ thinks/knows what the projects end results are to be.

Richard R.

New Member
Thanks, I will definitely look in to it.

Flue Stream, Your probably going to see more and more of this type of work in this industry. This type of insulation looses it's fire retartant after awhile and is recommended by OSHA to power wash it off once it has. As for how long the insulation lasts, I'm not sure. Haven't done enough research on the veriables yet. I've just heard it's probably going to add a lot of business to our industry and it is hard work.
Takes along time. I've been doing it now for about 4 days. It seems like you will never get through and you come home very tired and sore.

Thanks All
Richard R

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