Concrete Cleaners?


New Member
Just wondering what the best cement/ground cleaner is? Or, what y'all have the best luck with? I have recently picked up an account with very large parking lots, and I've spent too much time at them cleaning the surface for an initial cleaning. The other night, I was going to whataburger and saw a guy cleaning their parking lot, and I was too stupid to not think to ask him what he was using, b/c it was a powder he sprinkled in each parking spot, and then some in random spots in the traffic paths..he then was using his pressure hose with no gun on it to rinse all the ground down, then I assume he'd get his gun and rinse everything off. I went back by there yesterday and it looks VERY good...I'm assuming this is a way that is aLOT quicker than with just water, or a liquid type degreaser. I need to find a way to get these done without spending so much freaking time at each location.


Moderator / Sponsor
I suggest a caustic soap, preferably sodium hydroxide based.

We sell a product called Extra Heavy Duty, my customers doing concrete cleaning love it.

You should be able to find a similar product near you or we can ship you a drum.

Let me know if I can help.


New Member
Is that gum kicking your butt? Are you cleaning Bushes Chicken stores?
Is that Whataburger on Valley Mills adjacent to the old Blockbuster video?
If it was that may have been tha manager. I have watched him clean with a hose for the past two years.
E-mail me at and I can give you some help.
Are you using hot or cold water?


New Member
the gums not so bad, just the grease, and yes it's bush's'd you know?

Nah, this was the whataburger off of 84 and 6..he had a white chevy truck with a machine in the bed of it....nothing too fancy looking. :shrug:


New Member
We do some work in Waco also.

Did you want the whole parking lot????

Bushes is suppose to be adding locations in Belton, Killeen and Coppers Cove.


New Member it is right now, I do the drive-thru 3 times a month, and then the whole lot once a month. I'd like to get those other locations, but I work full-time for my dad, but I'm gonna see what I can do. What do you clean in Waco? What do your truck(s) look like? Might have seen you around somewhere. Here's my simple little set-up.



New Member

That is a nice looking set up.

We do quarterly cleanings of BLOCKBUSTER Video locations in Waco, Bellmead, Killeen and Coppers Cove. We also do some credit unions, wash houses, ect.

I pull with a black Excursion and have a white 7'x12' enclosed trailer . Neither the truck or trailer has signage. Possible storage hassles with the city.

All of my equiptment is portable because of what we wash. Storage and theft are large concerns why portable works.

We have 2-11 hp, 1-13 hp both are Honda's and a 15 hp Kohler. All are 4.0 gpm. We have a hot box,generator, surface cleaner and all the rest of the goodies. We can tie two machines together and get 8.0 gpm if needed.

I have been doing this part time for the last nine years.


New Member
It is very possible that I may have saw y'all cleaning the new Blockbuster on Valley Mills right before they opened? Saw someone cleaning the 'lot.

My dad owns Shipley Do-Nuts, and I'm looking to take over when he retires, I have a LOT of free-time, so the pressure washing was something to fill my time..I enjoy doing it, and look forward to getting to work every chance I get. This job's sole purpose is to fund my fast car habit, and I would still like to see it grow into more, and down the road hire on a couple of guys to go and do jobs for me.

9 years? That's a pretty long time to have been doing this, I always like talking to the guys who have done this for a long time, b/c I by no means claim to know a whole lot about this business, but I sure like to learn little tricks and secrets of the trade to get a better job done more efficiently. Who knows? Maybe I'll run across you guys when y'all are out cleaning in Waco somewhere.


New Member

We did clean the Valley Mills location in early September. Yeah nine years has flown by. Have learned a lot and still learning!

I work for WILSONART international in Temple as my full time job, 25+ years.

Hey for what it's worth we like Shipley's much better than Crispy Creme.

I can't understand what everyone see in their doughnuts. Too much sugar!

Anyway we will be back in Waco in December. If you see us come on by.


Moderator / Sponsor
I wish I knew that a few months ago,
we spent $7000 on Wilsonart Bamboo flooring
in june.

Maybe you could have got me a deal? :)


New Member
Thanks...the shipley in Temple area is franchised out, and the lady doesn't know what she's doing..y'all should come to Waco, and I could let y'all try some REAL donuts :D..and, I agree on the Crispy Creme being too sugary...but different strokes for different folks i guess.


New Member
We have to purchase retail like everyone else. I beleive we get a $1.00 per square foot rebate up to $1000. form the company once paper work is submitted.

I will bet you really like the floor. It is the best out there. We are almost the only manufacturer using HPL to produce our product.

It is an easy to care for product. Sweep or vacum and than use a swifter. Lightly damp mop if needed.

The floor will provide you with many years of service and is much more durable than natural wood. I doubt that you will ever wear it out.

I had better stop this is sounding like a commercial. LOL!
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