cream coming off concrete


New Member
I've done a couple of patios where the cream color washes right off the concrete w the surface cleaner. Any suggestions? I just did one and the surface cleaner marks are still there-any way to fix it?

thx as always,

Daniel Stapes

New Member
I've found that it happens when the concrete is covered, like a carport. It has a certain look, like a sheen. Also, could be the mix or the temperature when it cured (too cold).

I swirled one up once and developed an eye for it real quick. Do a test spot on a corner with a wand and find out how much it can take. Then.....yep, do it with a wand. I had one recently where I wanded under the carport and used the s.c. on the rest, have done that several times actually and they come out good.

As for getting the swirl marks out, you can even them up with a wand (square instead of circular) other than that maybe someone else has an idea. Maybe a good time to sell them a coating! I know it s**ks, Good luck.

Dan Stapleton

john orr

New Member
The newer the concrete and the "softer", the more fragile the cream can be. If, after testing, you find the cream coming off, you can change the tips on your sc. I carry larger tips for problem drives. (Also some stamped/sealed drives.)

Daniel Stapes

New Member
Good point, John. Just make sure those larger orificed tips still create enough pressure to spin the bar, There is a fine line.

Dan Stapleton


New Member
"cream" is the smooth top layer on finished concrete. It covers the aggregate beneath. It is basically just a very thin layer of the cement (not the concrete) that the finishers float up when they do their job. It is relatively fragile.

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