
Did you have any experience before starting?

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New Member

No, But I did not ask some of the stupid questions being asked today. I did my own legwork and research. Some of the questions being asked on this board are absoulutly ridiculous and the ones asking have not a clue and should not be in the business if they need the knowledge handed to them.

Just my 2 cents.


New Member
This question is not intended to affend any body, and if did sorry. Just wondered. I have been reading on this board for a month now and i have learned a lot of valuable information. Most of which can only gained by experience. It makes much since to ask question rather anyone think its stupid or not. I rather ask stupid question and know the anwers, than to go out there and damage someone's property. Again not intended to affend anybody. Just another newbie with a lot of question. :cool:

Don Phelps

New Member
If you have questions....Ask away! Don't worry about public scrutiny. You're a much better person for asking questions, than the self-righteous, all-knowing individuals that expect help but aren't interested in helping others.


New Member

To add to what Don mentioned above.... Asking questions is absolutly vital and its a priviledge to have a great board like this for that very reason. Most people who "do the legwork and research" should be commended for their time and diligence, but most of their research is usually just reading the responses to common questions that others were not afraid to ask. Welcome to the board and good luck with your business.


Fighting Texas Aggie class of 04

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
meads22 said:
Did you have any experience before you started your pressure washing business?

I readed the Q'tion several times and still aren't sure of the meaning.

Experience comes in many forms in this trade and I think none of us had any powerwashing hands on experience when we started if thats what your asking.

Some of us had experience in others trades tho helped in getting business whether it been book keepers,salepersons and ect.

Knowing how to clean isn't the most important part of this trade,it doesn't take long to gain knowledge in cleaning with a little hands on.


New Member
I ask the question becuase I have a little fear of not being able to get my business off of the ground and being sucessfull at it. I ask the question because im looking for a little inspiration. I figure if some of you guys who had no experience when first starting can do it, I can too. Just looking for a little inspiration thats all.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Go for it.......

You have more than what we had when we started,alot of us didn't have computers and the info people have today.When we ran into a problem we fgured it out ourselfs which meant taking changes on damage or not.Now days a problem can be solved before or after the damage has been done.The only thing we cann't do is hold the lance for you but can tell you how to use it.If your having self doubts in inspiration you may need to regroup before you leap,if you have no self doubts in yourself as we did I see no season for our inspirationing you into something we don't know if you can handle or not.I we can help lead you into what we think is best for our trades,it'll be up to you whether or not you can make a go of it....you already have a head start.


New Member
Newbies have it all wrong......

I am not saying not to ask questions. What I am saying is ask the questions that you should be asking. Not the ones that you should already have researched yourself. If you can not find the answer then ask.

I have seen questions like:

Should I get insurance for this type of industry ?

What do you call the tips that are color coded ?

What is a male plug ?

What is linear foot ?

These are the types of questions that totally should not be asked. These are common sense questions. I am sorry, but, if you have to ask questions like the ones above, you probably should not even think about being in this business. This board as well as the others have a search function. At the very least start there. That is all I am saying. I am not trying to harp on the newbies because I was one once also. DO YOUR OWN LEGWORK FIRST. If at first you dont succeed then ask. That is all I am saying.


New Member
For the Record.....

My feedback is in no way directed towards you (meads22). Please do not think for a minute that it was. I just thought this was a good place to put my thoughts on the subject. But I do stand by what I say.

When it comes to chems, you damn sure ask questions no matter how stupid or dumb. But some of the questions (not yours) you have to admit are just simple questions that the individual should know just through common sense.

Still cant get over this being deleted. No cuss words, no badgering etc.....lol


New Member
I dont dought my ability to do any of the "leg work", not at all. Its just little anxiety. Something in the back of my head saying what if. When I hear people make comments like that it gives me more drive. So keep on with the drilling I can use it to my advantage.
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New Member
I love "search"

Onecall.....you are 100% correct about some of the funny questions people ask on this board and i would be a hypocrite if i said that i dont sometimes sit and laugh about em. And to delete a post that has merit (like onecall's) is ridiculous. Disagreements are like fiber they are both healthy and tend to get things flowing.


Hey everyone....

can't we all just get along? I'm not feeling the love here. [smoke]



everyone at some point in their life has had to ask a question about something that someone else thought was dumb. Everyone is new at one point. I am somewhat new to this myself, and I could really care less if someone thinks my questions are dumb. They live far away and don't affect me one bit. It is important to do research and read as much as you can yes, but books and catalogs only take you so far, and this site can help as it has helped me. So meads, just ask whatever you want to ask (related to PW of course) and if someone writes a stupid childish reply to it, just ignore it and let them think what they want. There are lots of people on here who will give you a well thought out and helpful reply to allow you to keep learning and expanding that biz.



New Member
I guess you are right

It, would have been a bit much to ask you to go to google and type in how to measure vs. coming to a supposed to be professional board. I guess it would have been too much to ask you to look at a catalog vs. coming to a supposed to be professional board and ask what a male plug is. I guess it would have been too much to ask you to have common sense about insurance...... Oh yeah, and lets not forget about the color coded tips...

And again, this is not directed at you meads22.

I ask that all stupid, common sense questions be directed to Oneness in the future.


New Member
Your the one.....ness

You are the one that started it by calling names....(idiot detractors)You hate to be drawn out but dont like it when somebody strikes back. Come on now......

Simple as this. If you are new to the industry, do all of your own legwork, do all of your own research, do all of your territorial research. I do not believe that an individual that really has his/her heart into it would ask such common sense questions. So where do you stand Oneness ? Are you for the industry getting better or are you ok with having newbies that dont even try ?

Simple as that.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus

You know and I know some words should be edited,do you think your time is more important than the mods on this board,be a good sport and edit the name calling please.Like powerwashing its better to redo your mistake then to let someone else redo it for you,makes better professionals.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Its not the offending part...

Do you know what its like when useing the search button trying to learn and having to wade though bull crap in the post.Its not only tireing wadeing though crap and some are like me,lose interest when doing so.

If anyone needs to let off steam we do have the shoot the bull forum which will keep the bull crap out of the main forums which will make searching alot better and faster.

Thank you for editing

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