Fed Ex Drop Boxes


Big Andy

I had a Fed Ex employee come up to me today and inquire about cleaning several drop boxes around town. I am about to go check them out, quanity and sizes. Anyone else do these. Any ideas on price. It may sway them to use me on their trucks instead of there current vendor. Should I offer this service free if we can set up on their fleet?

Thanks in advance
Prestige Auto Wash

Rob Smith

New Member
Hey Andy,

Just because you want their fleet business doesnt mean you should give something away for free, the customer will place no value on the service that you are giving away. As a selling point, If you were to get both their fleet you would be able to do their drop boxes for a significant amount less than if you were to only do their boxes, I would always try to attach a value to something that you are offering as a incentive. That is only my opinion.


Mike Hughes

New Member

From what I know, FedEx doesnt pay all that much per vehicle.........you're not going to be able to afford to give anything away.......

I like the discounted idea.......

Big Andy

Well I met with the folks at Fed Ex today regarding this job opportunity and left with mixed thoughts. First of all they are currently on a 2 year contract with another fleet washer to do their trucks, so that option is out. Second, they want me to clean 26 drop boxes throughout the valley. 21 are outside 5 are inside, in lobby's at offices. 14 are in the town I live the rest are anywhere from 5 to 30 miles away. They want them cleaned off every 3 months. Basically it will require just a bottle of soap, couple towels, and some spray wax. Can you guys give me an idea on what you would charge to do this. I wouldn't need to take the rig out, just the car and supplies.

Prestige Auto Wash

Big Andy

I am playing around with the idea of $10.00 per box in my town, and $15.00 per outside town.


New Member
ron p

think about subbing out the ones that are far away get a window wash guy to do them
if someone told me they would send me a check for $10 a box to clean 3 boxes in the town i lived in/worked in and i were a window wash guy i would just add it to my route.

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