Help us help you in estimating


ServiceCEO Support
I would like to throw a new thread up here that will be beneficial to us in some new functionality we are adding to our ServiceCEO platform.

We are very interested in reducing the time and headaches of tracking, managing and maintaining the entire estimating process in a more detailed manner then currently in our applications.

if you could take a few moments and provide feedback to a couple of questions, we would really appreciate it. Anyone who actively participates in this process will not only help build an efficient manager for bid tracking, but participants will be eligible for discounted pricing on any of our applications. We take the pressure washing industry seriously, and our quest is to provide you with the necessary tools to increase revenues and profit percentages, while also reducing administrative task load. Please help us apply this philosophy to the bidding and estimating portion of running your business.

Company Name-
Position at company-
What role do you play for the company for estimating
Circle All That Apply - We service these markets
Residential - Commercial - High Rise- Fleet

1) What is the most "painful" part of bidding out for new jobs

2) Where in the bidding process do you feel you could get better and improve your business

3) What do you present to the customer as your bid-

4)How is the financial portion presented as far as detail and breakdown of services being provided

5)What company disclaimers or agreements do you wish to convey or have customer sign off on

6)Are the current bid/estimate sheets hand written or computer generated

7) What classifications or sales funnel designations do you give to your bids ( examples. Open Bid-waiting follow-up call, or Open Bid-contract sent )

8)What, where and how do you track your bids currently

9) In the perfect world what one thing would make bidding, tracking and winning more jobs easier?

Thank You for the time, energy and effort!

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
Name- Dan Flynn
Company Name- Timberland Pressure Wash
Position at company-Owner
What role do you play for the company for estimating
Circle All That Apply - We service these markets
Residential - Commercial - High Rise- Fleet

1) What is the most "painful" part of bidding out for new jobs

Tracking and Follow Ups

2) Where in the bidding process do you feel you could get better and improve your business

Following Up and market until we get the job

3) What do you present to the customer as your bid-

We use a 3 copy invoice/estimate sheet. We give them the the 3 copy at the estimate

4)How is the financial portion presented as far as detail and breakdown of services being provided

We don't break it down at all. We itemize the full cost of each different service we estimate. So if they need pressure washing for more than one thing. We'll give them a separate estimate for each thing. Example one for the driveway and a separate one for the house all on the same estimate form. That way there isn't one big amount and they can pick and choose the service they want to pay for.

5)What company disclaimers or agreements do you wish to convey or have customer sign off on

I would have to think about this one

6)Are the current bid/estimate sheets hand written or computer generated

Hand written then transferred to the notes section for follow up. Our price varies per job and situation so it would be hard for us to set a specific price ahead of time. Plus we have to see the job first. Since we are there the estimate is giving to the prospect right away. I would like to come back to the office and enter the estimate just like a job, but not have it affect the revenue until it becomes a job. It would be nice to see how much money was estimated for the year and compare it to actual revenue from sold jobs. I would like to enter every estimate that I don't sell on the spot just as if it was a sold job. Then if the job is sold down the road I would hit a button and it becomes a job instead of an estimate.

7) What classifications or sales funnel designations do you give to your bids ( examples. Open Bid-waiting follow-up call, or Open Bid-contract sent )

I would say something like Open Bid-waiting follow-up call

8)What, where and how do you track your bids currently

I do it by paper and by putting them in the note in CEO. I would like this process to be easier. Maybe with a pop up reminder. Enter the estimate as stated above then put a reminder that pops up when I should do a follow up call.

9) In the perfect world what one thing would make bidding, tracking and winning more jobs easier?

I think I pretty much said that above.

Thanks for a great product and continued support. I couldn't be happier with CEO and look forward to installing the new upgrade this week :)

Thank You for the time, energy and effort!

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