hope someone can help, need to know what to charge.


New Member
Hi guy's,

Glad to have found this forum. Sorry if i am posting in the wrong forum. I have a question that i am hoping to find an answer two. Well My dad Has just started an pressure washing family businness and he is mainly looking to wash cars. He Has been in the car bussiness for over 20 years but in the sales department. He has a clue as to what he needs and has practiced on several cars to make sure he knows he wont peel off the bondo or paint off the used cars and so forth. Now please tell me if you guys can if he is on the right track. First he is in Sacramento, California and will also service the Bay Area. Now he Has a Honda 3000 psi pressure washer and a 200Gallon tank. He is going to rent the DI tanks and will be using those to save himself the drying part and let it dry on it's own.

one Question I have is this. If He decides to Chamois Dry all cars would he still need the DI tanks? i have no clue on how to do this as i work in the computer industry. But his typing isn't that good so that is why i am asking for him. Do any of you guy's know what is the going rate for carlots. I understand as i have read on here that the less cars on the lot the more you charge, but what would be the going rate in that area. If anyone is familiar please let me know all advice is welcomed.

i have more questions but i believe i will start another thread for that one since this will give me alot of work just on this subject.

If you guys can help i'd really appreciate it. And if you needs any help on computers or networks feel free to e-mail me. Thanks All.

Luis Lopez

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
75 cents/1.00 dallor for alot of cars,2.50/4.00 dallors for not so many cars.

Even with DI your going to have to hand dry some of the carlots,usually it takes three people to do the spraying and drying to make any money.Usually the ones that take on this trade doesn't do it every long.One week your making money the next week your sitting home b/c it looks like rain.

I think he'll need a bigger tank,your hoes will get ran over alot which is not good for them and the unloader.It want be a get rich job but will help in the other trades he picks up.


Moderator / Sponsor

You can always have your Dad come by and
meet with me, our shop is located in Rancho Cordova
/ Sacramento County. I will try to address his questions.


New Member

I thank you so much for your reply, I see alot of good advice on here but unfortunately they are in another state and as you know prices vary from city to city let alone state to state. I am In El Salvador Central America Right now, But would you mind my dad going over to your business with my brother to ask you some questions. See the thing is that he wants to be able to wash cars and houses. Well actually anything he can get his hands on (lol) but mostly carlots and homes.

I have already made sure that he does not lowball anyone, I have had that happen when i had my business and it is not a good way to get jobs. I rather sell Quality than quantity. So so far he has passed a couple of jobs that wanted to pay only about .80cents to .95 cents. He Has as I mentioned above the Equipment but would like to do as much research as i can to help him.
I really appreciate any help you can give him and i will definitely tell him to contact you as soon as possible. Maybe you will be able to help him get an idea on what the price range is in that area.

His name is Jose Lopez and his company name is " LOS COMPADRES PRESSURE WASH"

I'm very gratefull for any tips you may be able to give him. And if you ever have problems with computer or any questions please let me know.

Luis Lopez

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