medical question


New Member
A friend of mine is looking to get into the business.He is a diabetic uses insulin and takes high blood pressure pills.Do you think this business is to stressful for him?He was in the hospital for his problems.I think it is just because of the physical labor involved in this job.What do you think?
I have I never really did get going like I wanted to because of getting to tired so fast.Thanks


I would think as long as he kept food with him and his medication within reach, he should do OK. When it starts getting hot is when thhe real test will come.

Really depends on what he is planning on taking on and how much work he tries to pull off.


New Member
As a "newbie" myself (approx 3yrs in the biz, part-time) and also being a Diabetic, high B.P. etc. I actually find the challenges of the business actually aids me in keeping all my ailments under control.


The biggest problem I have in this line of work is trying to stay alert and keeping up the pace.

It is easy to start day dreaming...

Not really to stressful, if you ask me... Leading me to believe it wouldn't be to hard on anyone as long as they were in the right scope of work that wouldn't over work them.

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