My Safety Mod...



Thought I would share this in case anyone was interested...

Since the connection coming from the burner faces outwards and poses a potential risk to anyone around the washer in the case the hose should burst at the connection or the quick connects should give out, I modified it so it would blast downward instead of straight out. Mostly in the case of boiling water hitting someone walking past.

I am going to put a small shield right at the connection.

(Pardon the messy machine, haven't detailed it yet)


New Member
Is that K7 just sitting there? Looks like the hoses are the only thing that is holding it from blowing off the trailer.


Yep, LOL!!

They didn't send anything to brace it, so I said heck with it... It weighs about 5-lbs by itself, not worried about it going anywhere.


New Member
From the way my hoses flop around, it seems as though the unloader would since it is not bolted down.
So that is the way Delco sends out there machines, or did you switch to the K7 and it will not mount in the same place as your old unloader?
Mine came mounted on a block, although I have seem them bolted right to the pump.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
good ideal blast downward......upward blast would put ya eye out.

You see where your hoses drop off the frame,split and place gardenhose around the hose(s),sooner or later the vib will wear a hole.Maybe set the unloader on a foam cushion until you get it bolted down,looks like its setting in a hole over a fuel tank....upward blast put ya eye out.


Originally posted by MR ALAN
From the way my hoses flop around, it seems as though the unloader would since it is not bolted down.
So that is the way Delco sends out there machines, or did you switch to the K7 and it will not mount in the same place as your old unloader?
Mine came mounted on a block, although I have seem them bolted right to the pump.

I switched over to the K7. The original unloader was the spring type and snaped on and snaped off...

The original unloader came with the block and that is actually what I am using to get the direction of the water to go downward.

It has the holes so I can get some plexiglass or something else to act as a shield.


Originally posted by Larry L.
good ideal blast downward......upward blast would put ya eye out.

You see where your hoses drop off the frame,split and place gardenhose around the hose(s),sooner or later the vib will wear a hole.Maybe set the unloader on a foam cushion until you get it bolted down,looks like its setting in a hole over a fuel tank....upward blast put ya eye out.

I got blasted once with hot water and blistered my chest and arm. I have been wanting to redirect the water and finally did it.

Believe it or not, the that unloader doesn't move. It just sits there and does its job. Doesn't look pretty, so maybe your idea of the foam might work... I'll give it a try... Thanks

Bully Wash

A couple pieces of 2x4 bolted down and the unloader set inside them with some plumbers strap should do the job.

At least it will look nicer and more professional.

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