reducing pressure washer psi


New Member
How do I reduce my unit's psi? My salesman told me to not mess with the unloader valve as it could damage my pump. Should I just use different nozzles on my wands and surface cleaners or is there another way? Also do you know of a link to a nozzle chart? I did a search and the links went nowhere.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Should I just use different nozzles on my wands and surface cleaners


Type in nozzel chart,I found one by doing so.

If you cann't find it I'll go get the link after company leaves...


New Member
How do I interpret the nozzle chart?

Can you explain how I interpret the nozzle chart? Once I understand the correct function of the chart what do I then do? Sorry to be such as rookie. One day I may actually be able to help somebody on this site but not yet.

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