Yel man like that,looks real.
They had 15 on my truck on the driver side,I left them on for two days then decide to take them off b/c I was afraid someone would shoot it b/c it was already shot,no what I mean.They're fairly easy to pull off,so every time I stopped in town I'd pull 2 or 3 off and stick them on someone else's car,had 4 on the local cops car,guess they like them b/c they're still on it.That was the best joke pulled on me in a long long time,it'll be awhile before I can top it,they got me pretty good,they still gettting a BIG HAHAHA out of it,lol.They know me tho,pay back time is coming,think I'll catch me a live bobcat,tie a knot in its tail and put it in their truck but the last time we did that one of the guys is still studdering.