From sidewalk to roof


New Member
Hi everyone!

I have for the most part stuck to side walks and trash enclosures. I have a Rubys that I do on a weekly basis and they just asked me if I could do there roof/awning. It is painted aluminum. I did a test spot with just a warm rinse and it got it pretty clean but there was still a small layer of dust. I have been reading on some chems to use. My biggest question would be do I put a sealer on a painted aluminum roof or just clean it?

Thanks for any insight


Doug Rucker

Staff member
I'd just clean it. Never seen a sealer that lasted forever, plus it's already painted??? so if you seal it your looking at maintenance service which Ruby's may not want.


Yeah, I'd just clean. That last layer of dirt is likely road dust. A little degreaser and some surfactant should cut it easily.

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