I can't edit my signature on here. I went to my profile and my user name but it has no option to edit. I didn't know where to post this so hopefully someone will see it. Thanks.
In the light blue bar at the top, above the PWN logo, click on FORUM ACTIONS.
Then on the left-hand side, about halfway down, you can click on EDIT SIGNATURE
Thank you. I needed to take my company name off the signature because in a google search of the name my questions where coming up for people to read. I'm a rookie but I would rather not advertise that to my customers. Thanks again.
Thank you. I needed to take my company name off the signature because in a google search of the name my questions where coming up for people to read. I'm a rookie but I would rather not advertise that to my customers. Thanks again.
Eric there should be a section here that is not searchable that you can post your questions in. That way you can leave your company in your sig. hopefully Mark will chime in and advise us.